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How to Treat a Cat UTI Naturally

Learn what questions to Muscle Test for and what supplements have worked really well to treat UTIs.

Asking the Right Questions and Determining How the Body Is Doing

My cat Sheba recently got a UTI while I was gone on a trip. She was having trouble peeing, trying to go 6 times in a row with barely anything coming out. As per usual, I initially panicked, then after getting that out the way, I started asking some questions:

  • Is something emotionally bothering her?
  • Did something come into her diet that doesn’t work for her? Like a spoiled food or eating something outside that is infected or bad for her system?
  • Is she getting enough fluid?
  • Is something stressing out her kidneys that is impacting her bladder… like an infection or parasite?
  • Is there some unknown stress on her system that I’m unaware of … like an outdoor predator or a pesticide being used by a neighbor?
  • Is she trying to tell me something that I am missing?
  • Is she mirroring an imbalance in me or my partner?
  • What is her overall vitality on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst, and 10 being the best)?
  • How healthy is her bladder on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • How healthy are her kidneys on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • How healthy is her immune system on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • Would Sheba do better with an antibiotic or herbal support?

The response for her bladder was a 4, her kidneys a 6, her spleen a 3, and her vitality a 3. These numbers were super low. If they had been higher, I would have tried energy work first to unblock energetic blockages, but with them being lower I wanted to jump right into physical support. With UTI’s the situation can progress pretty fast, so I didn’t want the infection to progress any further on a physical level.  I got that her body would prefer to have supplements rather than antibiotics to help bring it in balance. She is quite a healthy cat so I knew that I could try supplements first and if after 3 hours of taking them she wasn’t showing decent signs of improvement, I would then take her to the vet to get her on some antibiotics.  So my next step was figuring out what would boost her kidneys, bladder, immune system and vitality the most.

Finding the Right Supplement by Muscle Testing

I already knew from my own experience with UTI’s that cranberries are a great goto urinary support . They have high levels of d-mannose in them. D-mannose is a monosaccharide that is known to help prevent certain kinds of bacteria binding to urinary walls.  Cranberries also carry a high level of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient that helps boost the immune system and increases the healing process. Knowing this information, I went to the local coop and muscle tested each UTI supplement that had D-mannose and vitamin C in it for Sheba. The strongest supplement I found with D-Mannose was U.T. Vibrance by Vibrant Health. This supplement is stocked full of different herbs + a high dose of D-Mannose. I wanted to make sure that the D-Mannose levels were really high so I didn’t have to give Sheba as many doses (you know how much cats loooovvveee to take supplements). Once I found this supplement, I muscle tested the following questions:

  • Does every herb + D-mannose in U.T. Vibrance  increase Sheba’s overall health?
  • Is there any herb  in U.T. Vibrance that Sheba is allergic or intolerant to? Any herb that will negatively impact her body?
  • What will her bladder, kidney, and spleen health be if given the proper dosage of this supplement?
  • What will her overall vitality be when given the proper dose of this supplement?

Each of these answers was quite positive. Bladder health went from a 4 to a 7, immune system health went from a 3 to a 6, kidney health went from a 6 to 7, and vitality went from a 3 to a 7.  I was very happy with these numbers but I wanted them to be higher. And knowing that many UTI support supplements carry vitamin C, I decided to muscle test Sheba’s organs and overall vitality when combining Vitamin C by Megafoods to the mix.  bladder health went up to a 9, spleen health went up to a 9, kidney health went up to a 9, and vitality went up to a 9. Success!

I then went home. Since the pills were so large, I then  ground them down so I could put them into very small (size 5) empty pill capsules (found on Amazon). Plus, I knew these supplements probably wouldn’t taste great so I wanted to make sure the supplement administration process was as easy and stress free as possible for Sheba. I used a serrated knife to cut the U.T. Vibrance and Vitamin C pills in half then just squashed the pills with flat end of the knife into powder. Then I filled the capsules 75% full with U.T. Vibrance and 25% full of Vitamin C as that felt like the right balance to start with. Later I changed the dosage to 50/50 because it felt like her body wanted more Vitamin C.

Finding the Right Dosage & Additional Takeaways

Next I muscled tested how many  pills to start her on. I got 5.  I gave her 5 of these pills with a couple of treats to make the process more palatable for her. I then muscle tested her system a few minutes later to see where here bladder, kidney, immune system and vitality levels were at. They all had increased by a few points! Success!

I went through  this process of muscle testing Sheba’s levels, asking when to administer supplements and how many pills to give her each time.  I also muscle tested other questions:

  • How much water was in her system on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • How uncomfortable is she?
  • How much discomfort is there when she pees?

Her response to the supplements were quite fast.  She stopped trying to pee after the first supplement administration, she started to eat wet food after the 2nd supplement administration, her energy levels were back up (she had been lethargic and staying inside) by the 3rd supplement administration,  and by the 5th administration that day, she peed a decent amount! Yes! I continued this process for 2.5 days to make sure she was on the road to success… which she was! The amount of time between   the 3rd and 4th supplement administration and onward kept being longer and longer. She just needed a strong dose to start with so her system could get ahead of the infection.

I also gave her two additional supplements to help her system: Urinary Aid by Professional Formulas (a homeopathic) and Renal Support by Standard Process. 

These came up as supportive once the other UT Vibrance and Vitamin. C supplements were adequately in her system.  Also, since I am an energy worker, I gave her reiki and let love pour to her, my partner, her food, and her environment. I did this last part to help neutralize any tension that she was picking up from her environment or that she had with her environment.

Additionally, I am now giving her the U.T. Vibrance + Vitamin C supplement 3x a week to help keep her system strong.

Some Additional Points:

  • Always muscle test before doing anything. NEVER assume anything, especially when it comes to cats. Their systems are so delicate.
  • Don’t assume any product is good. Ask specifically how each product and EACH of it’s components affects the system. Be super thorough in your questions. Ask for the impact on each affected organ plus the overall body (physical and ideally energetic).
  • It can be very hard to muscle test for those that are close to us. If you feel that your emotions are affecting your answers, ask another skilled muscle tester to ask the questions for you.
  • Monitor your cat throughout the process. Do not leave them unattended after giving them a new supplement.
  • Find out the source of the bladder imbalance. Muscle test and ask if the system imbalance is due to:
    diet imbalance, something ingested outside if your animal friend is outdoors, low water intake, water source imbalanced (is hard water, low minerals, too high of minerals, etc.), emotional or environmental stress, deficiency of vitamins, nutrients or minerals, bacterial, viral, fungal, mold, or parasite infection, heavy metal imbalance due to high fish intake, organ imbalance, and if so which one, etc.

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