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Animal Communication will help us to understand what your animal wants to communicate, how your animal's health is, what animal supplements they may need, and how to work with any behavioral issues.

Animal Health

We help balance an animal's organs, bones, tissues, circulatory system, endocrine system, etc.

Behavioral Issues

We help balance behavioral issues like anxiety, barking, hiding, lashing out, leash pulling, sadness, etc.

Vitamins, Minerals, & Infections

We help balance vitamins and mineral levels/absorption as well as presence of infectious agents.

Animal Communication

We talk with your animal energetically to understand how they are feeling.

"Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Antole France

Animal Communication

Since I was a very young girl, I have always had a deep connection with animals. I have always been able to communicate with them by feeling their emotions, understanding what they want, and understanding how their body’s feel.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been able to incorporate my medical intuitive training along with my knowledge of how to balance the body, to help all types of animals find balance in their lives.

I’ve learned that so much of an animal’s imbalance comes not only from diet and nutritional intake, but also from the close present and past relationships in their lives. They often take on or mirror issues of those they are close to as well as hold on to past traumas in their bodies. Because of this, in sessions we not only work with the animal but also with the animal’s caretaker if the caretaker is open to it.

Animal Passing or End of Life Care

As your animal friend ages or has medical issues, it can get tough to know what they need, how they are handling medications, or if they are ready to transition. In these cases, we work with aligning and grounding both your and your animal’s energy so that what they want and need is very clear. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to understand clearly where your friend is at emotionally and physically. I’ve worked with so many people who have been given mixed medical care advice, or medical advice that doesn’t feel right, and I know how incredibly frustrating and painful that can be. We work together so that you can deeply feel and understand exactly what is going on with your friend.

Animal Behavioral Issues

Most (if not all) animal’s want to connect with you and make you happy. If they are acting out, it normally has to do with a diet, exercise, environmental imbalance ( like conflict in the household, a new pet, a new child, changing of environments, etc.), or current/past trauma. Once these issues are understood and addressed, you will find your animal is  much more balanced, happy and healthy!

Animal Trauma

Many animals haven’t had the most ideal pasts, and just like people, that past trauma can really affect the present. No matter what the trauma is, whether it be multiple foster parents, abusive past owners, lack of food, a bully (animal or person), etc., we work with your animal to clear the trauma out of the nervous system, limbic system, tissues, organs, chakras, meridians, emotional body, mental body and spiritual bodies.

"An animal's eyes has the ability to speak a great language."
- Martin Buber

In a session with your animal, I will ask what it is you would like to be worked on. It can be an acute or chronic physical ailment, an emotional/mental/spiritual block,  a behavioral issue, a situation you don’t know how to work with or move past, etc.

We will then work together to align both of your bodies (if you the caretaker is a part of the session) so that there is complete flow in the area of imbalance. Additionally, we will work with helping the caretaker “tap in” more easily to your animal friend and help give you tools so that you can even better hear, feel, and understand what your animal friend is communicating and needing.

Session examples:

  • If your animal friend has an acute injury, we will align the spine/brain down the spinal column to clear the block that is holding the injury in stasis through energy work on the physical and subtle bodies.
  • If your animal friend has a chronic illness, we will do the same process as the acute injury  while working with the organs and body systems to clear out the beliefs, emotions, viruses/bacteria/fungus/mold/heavy metals that are blocking the body’s wellbeing.
  • If your animal friend has an emotional/mental/behavioral trauma, we will work with clearing the attachments and blocks within the body so that the trauma has space to heal with ease. We will do this by opening the 8th chakra above the head then working physically down the body, opening the brain, limbic system, brainstem etc, all the way down to the feet, clearing out all holdings that block the trauma from clearing.
  • If your animal friend is having medical issues or is at end of life, we communicate with your animal to see what is going on physically and emotionally. Sometimes medical issues can be a simple as taking them off of medication they are reactive to, cutting certain foods out of the diet, or offering simple nutrients that they are deficient in OR that they have previously had a hard time absorbing (methylated versions of a supplement are then suggested).

At the end of the session I may suggest different supplements, physical exercises, or energetic practices that will help keep your animal friend (and you) moving on your path to deeper wellbeing.

Additionally, we will do a recap of the session, tools that have been learned (I try to always make sure muscle testing for your friend is covered so you can ask questions for them on your own), and homework for moving forward (exercises, supplements to take, physical and  energetic practices, etc.) so that you both can move toward  wellbeing with ease and efficiency.

“The soil of our mind contains many seeds, positive and negative. We are the gardeners who identify, water, and cultivate the best seeds.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Each sessions length is up to you. We can go as short as 20 minutes and as long as 2 hours. Most people prefer an hour to an hour and a half.  I try to work as efficiently and to the source of the issue as possible while respecting where you are at and at what pace you would like to work.

All sessions together are $100 per hour. Please tell me how long you would like each session to be and we will work within that time period.

To schedule an appointment please email me at or call me at (814)648-0680.