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Body Intuition helps balance the physical systems, the energetic bodies, the spinal column, and nutrients and minerals.

Body Systems

We help balance the body's organs, bones, tissues, circulatory system, endocrine system, etc.

Energetic Bodies

We help balance at the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Vitamins, Minerals, & Infections

We help balance vitamins and mineral levels/absorption as well as presence of infectious agents.

Skeletal System

We help balance the alignment of the spine in relation to the body.

"What you seek is seeking you."
- Rumi

Our body, our emotions, our mind, our spiritual self… they can all seem overwhelming or like a never-ending puzzle to configure. Getting them all to align so that we can feel that deep sense of peace and happiness can be like floating on the waves of the ocean… one minute we are flying high, feeling confident,  and the next we are being pummeled by the crash of the wave.

Luckily, once we learn to understand the nature of the waves and the rhythm of the ocean, we can surf the waves and really enjoy the very high to the very low of the wave. All it takes is a willingness to show up and try… and some good guides along the way.

I would love to be one of your guides. Working with the bodies (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual) is a true joy and never ending opportunity for growth. Learning how to balance and understand them can be very easy (and fun) once the basics are addressed.

How we work together is up to you. Addressing issues from a purely scientific and physical perspective is just as great as working energetically with past trauma/beliefs. No matter the age, experience with energy work, or belief system, we will approach what is going on from your level experience and comfort with working with the bodies.

"I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”
- Einstein

In a session together I will ask what it is you would like to work on. It can be an acute or chronic physical ailment, an emotional/mental/spiritual block, a situation you don’t know how to work with or move past, etc.

We will then work together to align your bodies (physical, emotional, mental) so that there is complete flow in the area of discomfort.

  • If it is an acute injury, we will align the spine/brain down the spinal column to clear the block that is holding the injury in stasis while holding different postures with the body that hold pain/stiffness until they release.
  • If it is a chronic illness, we will do the same process as the acute injury (minus holding physical postures) while working with the organs and body systems to clear out the beliefs, emotions, viruses/bacteria/fungus/mold/heavy metals that are blocking body wellbeing.
  • If it is an emotional/mental/spiritual trauma, we will work with clearing the attachments and blocks within the bodies so that the trauma has space to heal with ease. We will do this by opening the 8th chakra above the head then working physically down the body, opening the brain, limbic system, brainstem etc, all the way down to the feet, clearing out all holdings that block the trauma from clearing.

At the end of the session I may suggest different supplements, physical exercises, or energetic practices that will help keep you moving on your path to deeper wellbeing.

Additionally, we will do a recap of the session, tools that have been learned, and homework for moving forward (exercises, supplements to take, energetic practices, etc.) so that you can move toward your goal of wellbeing with ease and efficiency.

“The soil of our mind contains many seeds, positive and negative. We are the gardeners who identify, water, and cultivate the best seeds.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Each sessions length is up to you. We can go as short as 20 minutes and as long as 2 hours. Most people prefer an hour to an hour and a half.  I try to work as efficiently and to the source of the issue as possible while respecting where you are at and at what pace you would like to work.

All sessions together are $100 per hour. Please tell me how long you would like each session to be and we will work within that time period.

To book a session, please email me at or message me directly at (814)648-0680.